(2021) Newly ordained Fr. Denning Achidi brought us a request from some of his acquaintances in Cameroon. He requested our support for a novitiate community located in Sangmelima, a town in the Center Region of Cameroon. It is called Noviciat Père Monti. This novitiate belongs to a religious congregation called The Sons of Immaculate Conception (CFIC). They are a community of brothers (some of whom are priests) whose primary apostolate is to the sick and the marginalized in the community such as the poor, widows, and orphans. They have a general house in Rome, but this novitiate community is under the African Province of the Congregation.
The current novice master, Rev. Derick Ndikum, CFIC, a friend and brother of Fr. Denning, has reached out to humbly express their desperate need for a piano keyboard for the novices. They are currently 15 novices from 5 different countries. The novices take music lessons as part of their formation. Having a piano keyboard will aid them in their music lessons and enhance their liturgical experiences. Fr. Denning visited this community in January 2021, during his visit to Cameroon as a priest. Father Derick has mentioned that a good keyboard will cost around 500,000 Frs CFA (a little under $1,000).
In June 2021, ROTA was able to wire $1,000 USD to the community to assist them in their musical need. They were able to purchase the keyboard that assists in fulfilling their musical needs.
On July 3rd, 2021 we received the following message: "I Rev Fr Derick, Novice Master and administrator of the leprosy camp of Sangmelima in the sound région of Cameroon in Africa is very happy for your contribution. Please, do thank your association for me because i received a call from the bursar of my congregation acknowledging the réception of your donation. I shall be travelling in two weeks Time to get the money and proceed to the purchase of the piano. After which I shall be sending an official note to you and your organisation. May God continue to bless you all as you labour for his will."
Rev Fr Derick shared the following with us. "The Yamaha PRS SX700 is the result of your donation. I brought it Yesterday at 750,000frs after collecting the 550,000frs that you sent. Know that you have done so much good to the people i minister to. I appreciate the encouragement and mark of trust. I have noted your Association as a benefactor and by so doing, even when i shall not be there, you shall be remembered. May God continue to Bless your endeavours."