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A Successful Visitation

(2022) This past July, former "Lost Boy" Fidele Dhan (r) was accompanied by Joseph-Iskander, (l), a medical student from UB - University of Buffalo, for an on-site visit to the Koiyom Medical Clinic in South Sudan. They were joined in Juba, South Sudan by Dr. Romeo Wahome from Kenya, (center). The three made their journey to the town of Aweil where they were to stay and shortly then moved one hour north to the Village of Koiyom to visit the Koiyom Medical Clinic. When they arrived at the clinic they were surprised to encounter a medical team from "Doctors Without Borders" who were conducting a "Polio Immunization Program" at the clinic site.

The threesome carried with them from Buffalo the donation of

a sonogram machine. Many pregnant women were amazed to be able to see an image of their baby in the womb for the first time. The sonogram machine, in addition to identifying the gender of the child as well as determining if twins are present, will assist clinic staff in early identification of complications that would occur for the midwives and others during childbirth.

Dr. Romeo jumped right into action performing minor surgeries and other procedures of vital importance to the many patients of the clinic. These experiences, along with a fresh supply of medicines and medical supplies made for a very successful journey that brought hope and healing to many. Congratulations to our non-for-profit partners of "South Sudan Villages Clinic" for sponsoring the trip and continuing to supply the funds for the twelve person clinic staff: two Physician Assistants, (PA), two nurses, one midwife, one traditional birth attendant, one pharmacy tech, two guards, two janitorial staff, and one field officer/coordinator.

From the "on site" visit, news had come to us that due to massive needs country-wide, many of the shipments of routine medicines that the South Sudan Government medical office had supplied in the recent past were being discontinued. This provides a real challenge for the clinic's successful continued operations. A three month supply of these medicines currently cost $3,620 USD. ROTA has provided funds for the first three month supply and with your help ROTA will will continue "Reaching Out 2 Africa" to assist in these needs. Blessings to all who have supported this long term project through the years from "Ground Breaking" for the clinic in 2009 to the building and maintaining of this reality of hope and healing for the people of Koiyom and surrounding villages.


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